List of amavaysa 2025 dates. Amavaysa is the darkest day of the month. Due to most powerful and impactful times of the year. Important and traditions rituals are follwed by across the world.
Amavasya - Day of new moon. Amavasya dates & tithi timings is very important for people to know it. It is most auspicious day to worship forefathers. For pitra puja perforrm on this day.
As per hinud religion and beliefs amavasy is auspicious and inauspicious both
Vrat Name | Date | Tithi |
Check given amavasya calendar for amavasya in this month.
Amavasya is best day for shraadh and Tarpan should be done on amavasya day.
A child born on Amavasya it may be some mental & health problems. Consutl with astrologer about all these things.